5.2. General Safety#

5.2.1. General Safety & Security at Applied Physics (AP)# Responsibilities#

Table 5.1 Shared responsibility#

TU Delft is responsible for:

You are responsible for:

a safe workplace;

complying with the safety regulations;

providing you with the necessary information on safety;

acting in a cautious and responsible way.

a safety expert at your disposal. Emergencies and minor accidents#

  1. Call the internal alarm number.

  2. The emergency centre of TU Delft will send the in-house emergency response team (Bedrijfshulpverlening, BHV).

  3. If needed, the emergency centre of TU Delft will contact the external emergency services.

When in doubt, always call the internal alarm number.

Internal Alarm Number Be prepared for emergencies.

Know where to find the emergency facilities (e.g. emergency exits, assembly point).


Internal alarm number +31(0)15 27 88888 In case of…#

Site alarm/slow whoop (press to hear the slow whoop alarm):

  1. First think of your own safety.

  2. Secure your work station and leave the building as soon as possible, taking the nearest exit.

  3. If possible, warn your colleagues and assist people with disabilities.

  4. Go to the nearest assembly point/checkpoint, see signs: 5. At the assembly point/checkpoint, wait for instructions of the in-house emergency response team ( Bedrijfshulpverlening, BHV).

  5. Sometimes only a part of the building needs to be evacuated. If you hear a distant slow whoop you can continue to work. In case of…#

  1. First think of your own safety.

  2. Press the red fire alarm button.

  3. Extinguish small fires if you feel confident.

Keep in mind that a hand held fire

extinguisher is empty after approx. 20 seconds.

  1. If possible, warn your colleagues and assist people with disabilities.

  2. Go to the nearest assembly point/checkpoint, see signs: 6. At the assembly point/checkpoint, wait for instructions of the in-house emergency response team ( Bedrijfshulpverlening, BHV).

Safety at TU Delft Assembly points in case of emergencies, Applied Physics

Assembly Points

Safety at TU Delft Incidents, accidents, near misses and unsafe situations

Incidents, accidents, near misses and unsafe situation are free lessons to learn from.

Always report incidents, accidents, near misses and unsafe situations to the Health, Safety and Environmental advisor of the faculty.

Safety at TU Delft Working outside office hours

Office hours Faculty of Applied Sciences: 7:30 – 17:00h During office hours all categories in work activities are allowed.

Outside office hours: • Valid personal campus card for the faculty building.

• Activities category A are allowed.

• Activities category B • Activities category C are NOT allowed.

Categories in work activities: • A – No-risk activities.

• B – Low risk experimental activities are allowed if a knowledgeable colleague is at hearing distance.

• C – High risk activities.

Workplace at TU Delft How to prevent Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

• Alternate between repetitive and non-repetitive work.

• Take regular breaks, use Workrave.

• Learn to deal with tension.

• Ensure healthy computer workstation ergonomics.

• Contact Facility Management Services to help you organizing your workplace.

Security at TU Delft Awareness: Circle of 25 meters

The Circle of 25 is a metaphor for the 25 meters around you.

You take extra care of your surroundings and thereby reduce safety and security risks on the TU Delft Campus.

When something occurs in your circle:

  1. Assess the situation.

    • When someone is in direct need

of help you call the TU Delft Internal Alarm Number

internal alarm number.

  • For non-urgent matters you

contact the Service Desk.

Call +31(0)15 27 88888 using a landline at TU

Delft or your mobile phone

Save number in your mobile phone!

Security at TU Delft Awareness: Campus Card

Take care of your campus card and do not give it to others!

It is your personal identification card on the campus as it is connected to your NetID. It provides access to: • exams; • printer and study facilities; • entrances to areas (buildings, labs etc.); • use of machinery after instruction.

In case of loss/theft: Report to Service Desk immediately.

Advice on Safety & Security at TU Delft Conventional safety

Anneke Koster-Ammerlaan Thom van Velzen Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Health, Safety and Environment Advisor Advisor, Faculty of Applied Sciences Department of Applied Physics Telephone number:06 42391886 Telephone number: 06 14015800 E-mail: M.J.J.Koster-Ammerlaan@tudelft.nl E-mail: T.J.vanVelzen@tudelft.nl

Advice on Safety & Security at TU Delft Biological safety Safety & security

Marinka Almering Ron Massink Biological Safety Officer TU Delft Corporate manager Integrated Hazard Risk Telephone number: 015 2789966 TU Delft E-mail: M.J.H.Almering@tudelft.nl

Radiological safety