Teaching materials
This is a list of teaching materials for secondary school physics education. These teaching materials are freely available under the CC-BY-NC license, implying that these can be used for own purposes, shared with colleagues, and be adapted referencing to the original materials. The materials cannot be used for commercial purposes.
Show the physics
An online, open-access book with 99 physics demonstrations!
A teaching sequence on physics inquiry
A teaching sequence consisting of five lessons in which students learn to design and conduct a basic experiment. The materials are available in Dutch, English, Basque, French and Spanish.
Course materials on Arduino programming, in Dutch. With a pdf's available for the Arduino module basic and the Arduino module advanced.
The Scientific Graphic Organizer
To better align assessment and learning goals for practical work, without increasing the secondary school physics teacher’s workload, I developed the scientific graphic organizer (SGO). The SGO can be considered a pre-structured but simplified lab journal that in many cases allows to replace the practical’s worksheet as well as students’ written report.
Python programming
Course materials on Python programming, in Dutch.