
  • 2019-Now TN1405: Inleidend practicum (coordinator)
    The first year physics lab course aims at introducing students to the basics of experimental physics.

  • 2019-Now TN2985: Introduction to experiments in physics(coordinator)
    This course introduces students how opted for the minor in physics to the basics of experimental physics.

  • 2023-Now WM0318 Wetenschaps- & argumentatieleer (lecturer)
    This course introduces the students to the philosophy of science (Nature of Science). In various sessions they discuss their standpoints regarding statemens that are introduced in articles. They thereby explore their own views on the nature of science.

  • 2022-Now SL4310 Vakdidactiek verdieping (gastcollege ICT)
    In this lecture I introduce the students to the use of four different ICT tools which can be used in the classroom.

  • 2022-Now SL4220 Vakdidactiek basis Natuurkunde/Scheikunde (gastcollege practicum)
    In this lecture I teach the basics of the pedgagoy of practical work.

  • 2023-Now SL4301 Implementatie van onderwijs
    The idea of this course is that students are introduced to relevant ideas and materials that they can use in their own teaching practice. I introduce them to the use of escaperooms and the use of open online interactive books.